The railway tunnels
Reproduction in H0 scale (1:87), in N scale (1:160) and in TT scale (1:120) of a series of classic, modern and AV/AC railway tunnels for both single and double track lines. A complete range and a modular system that allows you to choose and customize the tunnels according to your needs.
Double track tunnels
Choose the portal and match the tunnel to the intertrack you use without sacrificing realism. We have formats for narrow, wide or curved tracks.
Single track tunnels
We have portals of various types and finishes, tunnel interiors to match and additional accessories such as side retaining walls and columns to add to the portal.
Straight tunnels
Narrow portal so as not to sacrifice realism, even with different distances between pairs of tracks. Additional tunnels created to measure to lengthen the depth effect of the tunnel.
Curve galleries
Portal widened to avoid interfering with convoys. Various modeling radii are available to choose the additional portals and tunnels to suit your curves.
Concrete tunnels
A range of modern tunnels, with single or double track portals. There is no shortage of choice.
Galleries for high speed trains
A series of modern tunnels designed for high-speed lines.
Additional tunnels
Based on the portal you choose, we have the internal tunnel to match, for single or double track, straight or curved.
Add accessories
Each portal has its accessories to complete the gallery such as side columns or retaining walls. Complete and cover the portal.
H0 Scale or N Scale. The choice is yours
All tunnels are available in both H0 Scale (1:87) and N Scale (1:160) and now also in TT Scale (1:120), to satisfy the majority of enthusiasts.
Infinite combinations
You can combine and mix the accessories for the various portals with the chosen finishes as you like.
You can't imagine how many combinations are possible!